AI Cloud Access PoE Switch

AI Cloud Access PoE Switch

AI1010 10 Port AI PoE switch

AI1010 is a 10-port AI PoE switch. It has 4 working modes, AI VLAN mode, AI CCTV video monitoring mode, AI power mode, AI QoS mode. All ports are free to communicate by default; In AI VLAN mode, 1 -8ports are isolated from each other, which can effectively restrain network storms and improve network performance. In AI Extend mode, the effective transmission distance of 1-8 ports can reach 250 meters, which is suitable for remote monitoring and power supply. In the AI power supply mode, the switch automatically detects the working status of the PD device and finds that the device abnormal automatically restarts the device. In AI QoS mode: the video data will be processed preferentially when the device is congested to make the video smoother

The device supports  IEEE 802 af/at standard, which can automatically detect and identify the PDs that comply with the IEEE 802 af/at standard and provide power for them, so there is no need to worry about PoE or non-PoE devices that can damage private standards.

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